Seraphine G. Yazzie

Best Selling Author

Seraphine G. Yazzie

Yá’át’ééh, shí ’éí Seraphine G. Yazzie yinishyé. Kinłánídi shighan. Ádóone’é nishłínígíí’ei Tódích’íi’nii (Bitterwater) nishłíí dóó Áshííhí (Salt) ’éí bá shíshchíín. Táchii’nii (Red Running Into the Water People) ’éí dashicheii dashicheii. ’Áádóó Tł’ízíłání (Manygoats) ’éí dashinálí.

Humor, creativity, and imagination are Seraphine’s fortes. She enjoys storytelling and entertains her family, friends, and colleagues with laughter. Storytelling is an important part of the Navajo culture, and her books Beauty Beside Me, Stories of my Grandmother’s Skirts and The Three Little Sheep are Seraphine’s contribution toward preserving that aspect of the culture.

Seraphine obtained her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Educational Leadership at Northern Arizona University. Her commitment to educational values has enabled her to achieve many of her goals in life. With years of teaching experience in boarding schools and public schools, Seraphine hopes her book will encourage youth to both read and write creatively. Seraphine currently lives in Flagstaff, Arizona.


Books by Seraphine G. Yazzie

Three Little Sheep – Dibé Yázhí T’áa’go Baa Hane’

When three little sheep set out to begin life on their own, they never dream that they will be followed by a hungry coyote. Fainthearted and just a little bit nervous, each brother heads in a different direction: one travels to the east and builds a grass hut, another travels to the north and builds a tepee, and the final brother travels to the south and builds a hogan. But Coyote has heard of their plans, and he is determined to catch one of them for his dinner.

Little Sheep, Little Sheep, he calls, let me in! Or I will huff and puff and blow your hogan in!

The sheep panic and hide, but eventually develop some stratagems of their own. Coyote will need all his cunning and tricks to defeat this faithful band of brothers.

Beauty Beside Me: Stories of My Grandmother’s Skirts

In the Navajo culture, grandmothers and grandfathers serve as the first teachers. Author Seraphine G. Yazzie vividly recalls the teachings of her grandmother in this uplifting story. Children will identify with many of the activities which include making delicious fry bread, picking tasty pinon nuts and weaving beautiful rugs.

As the story unfolds, Grandmother is seen wearing different colored skirts for each activity. Grandmother’s skirts symbolize a reservoir of kindness and love extended to her family and all those around her. Renowned painter, Baje Whitethorne Sr. illustrates each scene brilliantly capturing the magic shared between grandmother and granddaughter.